During their infant and toddler years,

our children crawl around on the floor, carpet, rugs, couches, etc. with their immune systems under constant attack. The dust, dust mites, fecal material, pet dander, skin cells, mold, and other contaminants that hide deep in the fibers and crevices of our homes cause allergic reactions and even sickness. Chemicals found in household cleaning solutions along with pesticides and fertilizers on the yards we play in only make matters worse. We're not saying an unhealthy home is the only factor to allergies and breathing problems, but it's a great place to start cleaning things up :)

Having met many new and expecting parents along the way, it's been all too common... young children with breathing problems, runny noses, coughing, becoming ill with infection, even the parents with pretty severe symptoms. Having seen first hand what our machines pull out of peoples homes, we are confident we can improve your indoor living environment.

Our state-of-the-art equipment, all natural - organic - chemical free - Homemade cleaners, and passion to help our community create the foundation of our company. We're serious about making your space healthier and creating the sanctuary you deserve. Our methods leave your environment healthy and invigorated with a new feeling of clean. We call it Conscious Clean. Contact us for a free consultation and custom quote today!